
‘Sembelih ayam’: Islam and Secularism

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Some people including a few notable muslims scholars have alluded that it is probably better to be a secular nation since religion is frequently being used as opiate for the masses to benefit the powers that be. What is happening in our country for the past few years especially the recent “sembelih ayam” fiasco seems to solidify their claim.

On the other hand, what has Islam got to do with such action? The conditions of our history, the nature and circumstances of Islam have nothing in common with any of their claim or such indecent actions. The action of the misfit few, does not warrant to mislead others by alluding that a secular system offers a better alternative to Islam.

As for men of religion or any NGO that is associating themselves with the power and wealth of the state while abusing Islam’s good name, there is no denying that it could happen or did happen in some period of muslim history. But the true spirit of this faith disavows such action and the faith threatens them with dire punishments in the Hereafter for manipulating Islam for a trifling price.

Islamic history has preserved  the memory of religious scholars who without fearing the rulers, the rich or the majority assert the claims of the poor and the rights of Allah. They encouraged the underprivileged to demand the rights and as a result were themselves exposed to the oppression of the rulers and abuse of the masses.

Islam grew in an independent country owing allegiance to no empire or king except Allah and His Prophet pbuh. Islam is present both in the heart of the individual and the actuality of the society, recognizing no separation of practical exertion from religion impulses.

Islam cannot continue to exist in isolation from the society, nor can its adherence be true Muslims unless they practice their faith in social, legal and economic relationship. A society, cannot be Islamic if it expels its syiar (representation), civil and religious laws of Islam from the society codes, customs and constitution so nothing of Islam is left except rites and ceremonials.

No secularism in Islam

Such is the position of Islam, there can be no clear separation between the faith and the world, or between theology and social practice.

In Islam there is no priesthood and every muslim from the ends of the earth has the ability to approach Allah without the mediation of a priest or minister. Nor can any muslim administrator derive his or her authority from any papacy; but the person derives the authority solely from the unison of the muslim community and develops the principles of administration from Islamic law.

Thus, in adhering to the Islamic syariah we should not focus too much on one aspect of Islam while abandoning others. Islam offers a complete way of life through a dynamic, comprehensive yet an integrated system. We should not over-emphasize only the compassion component of the faith while divorcing other strict element from the social aspect. Making things worse, some muslims fail to passionately see Islam as an integrated solution and suddenly as if they’re experiencing an inferiority complex put forward an extreme proposition to resolve the failures of the government of the day by adopting a secular system as the permanent solution.

How wrong is such approach.

We seem to forget that we do not have a single reason to make any separation between Islam and society, either from the point of view of the essential nature of Islam or from that of its historical course; as such reasons are only attached to European Medieval Christianity.

So, while Western countries are compelled to put religion apart from the common life, we as muslims are not compelled to tread the same path. While some cultures are compelled to oppose religion in order to safeguard the rights of the people, we as muslims have no need of any such hostility towards Islam.

Unfortunately, Malaysia seems to be moving away from any Islamic label and effort with the support of the so called “moderate” muslims themselves. Islam is left to only the education of the conscience and the purification of the soul, while the temporal and secular laws is the preferred system to the ordering of society and the organizing of human life.

How far is our understanding of Islam to its true nature.


We need to admit that there is a wide ignorance of the nature of Islam as well the nature of our societies. There is a psychological barrier and intellectual laziness that is opposing the return to Islamic knowledge and resources. There is also a ridiculous servility and amazement to Western fashion of divorcing religion from life, a separation necessitated by the nature of their religion but not by the nature of Islam.

The conclusion from this is that we should not put away the social aspect of the Islamic faith on the shelf just because of the action of the few. We should not go to Western legislation to derive our laws or its ideals to formulate our own social order without first trying to reconnect with the Islamic principles in its entirety. Moreover, we should not be despair of the ability of the shariah to govern modern society.

Only by returning back to the complete and pure teaching of Islam we will ensure that we will not merely be dependent to the progress of mankind but instead being at the forefront as stated in Surah Ali Imran verses 110.

“3:110. You [true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real followers of Prophet Muhammad  and his Sunnah (legal ways, etc.)] are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al-Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allah. And had the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) believed, it would have been better for them; among them are some who have faith, but most of them are Al-Fasiqun (disobedient to Allah – and rebellious against Allah’s Command).”

Abu Ameen
ISMA Activist

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