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Dr Harlina, this land is indeed ours


Dear Dr. Har,

You have always won my respect as a person whose life is fruitful. You thrived in your career; you are committed to your da’awah and tarbiyah as well as social and charitable activities; you have shown good example in observing proper upbringing of your family.

With the spirit of sisterhood in Islam, I would like to repudiate one of your Facebook’s Status Update as follows:

Dr harlina siraj Bumi Melayu Islam

You posted your argument, “Bumi ini MILIK Allah SWT!”, disagreeing with the poster held by the sisters saying, “ Bumi ini bumi Melayu Islam”.

If you assume that the poster meant: The world (literally referring to “Bumi ini) is purely for Muslim Malays and no other race deserve to live and have no basic rights here; you are right and I have to totally agree with you. This is a totally outrageous concept that must be scrapped by all Muslims.

However, if we studied the background of the picture, i.e. where it was taken and why such wordings are posted, and sparing some husnu dzon to your sisters portrayed in the picture, there is really no contradiction with the statement “Bumi ini (Malaysia) bumi Melayu Islam and Islamic teachings.


Hassan Al Banna had concisely established the concept of nationalism that is inline to our creed. And we, in ISMA go by this definition of nationalism.

Nationalism and Affection towards the Muslim Homeland:

“If nationalism means the feeling of fondness towards their homeland (watan); would prepare to stand-in anytime for their homeland; as well as having deep affection towards it. These feelings are nature (fitrah) of any human being. And Islam encourages this.”

Nationalism and Pride & Freedom:

“If nationalism means the preparedness to free their homeland from imperialism; to instill sense of respect towards its Islamic heritage; and implanting freedom (in terms of not submitting self to any other ideologies other than Islam) in the hearts of the descendants of this land; hence we (Ikhwanul Muslimin) totally agree to this principle, and this is parallel to Islam.”

Islam and Ownership of Land:

The main difference in defining nationalism between us (the Islamist) and the fanatics (of certain race or certain land), is that, our boundaries of nationalism is determined by the Islamic creed (aqidah), while the fanatics understood that their boundaries of nationalism is determined by territorial and geographical borders. For every inch of land on this Earth, where there is a Muslim who recites the kalimah “laa ilaaha illaAllah (There is no God but Allah), and that land will be OUR land. We are responsible to respect its sanctity and all-prepared to fight for it. ALL MUSLIMS in any geographical areas are our brothers and sisters. We should feel and think about each other’s importance. 

I would suggest if you can restudy the whole concept of the nationalism as per outlined by Hassan Al Banna in the Majmu’at Rasail (Collection of Articles) in the chapter Dakwatuna (Our Call (Towards Islam)). I believe this book is one of the main references in IKRAM as well. I pick up this reference to highlight that if understood properly, we should have a lot of common understandings.


I would like to invite you to watch “Hamas Palestinian Vs Zionist Jew – Go back to Ger…” on YouTube – Hamas Palestinian Vs Zionist Jew – Go back to Ger…:

I wonder whether you would put across the same remarks to our brothers and sisters in Palestine that “this land is Allah’s”, when they mention “this is my land”.

Some additional reading:


The Malaysia we know today, was established on three main heritage, i.e. its Islamic roots, the Malay Rulers as guardians of the deen on this land, and the Malays as the original population of the land. Read further in my previous article in:

While some Malays accept the fact that British was a colonial entity in Malaya, it is absurd not to think that the immigrants brought into this land by the British as colonial identities too. Our ancestors have agreed to grant them with citizenship, and this citizenship came with an agreement to be abided, i.e. the social contract. If the descendants of the immigrants fail to observe the very reason why they are here in the land of Malaya, than yes, they are indeed colonials still.

Day by day recently, Islam as the federal religion, is purposely challenged and insulted. And this is done in an organized manner in order to impose a new identity to the nation, which is secular and liberal. The effort to deny the Malays, who hold the ownership of Malaysia, must be understood alongside with the effort to make Malaysia as a God-less state. Remember that, Malays are defined as Muslims in identity as per Constitution.

Understanding the role of daie (caller towards Allah), is not only to amar ma’aruf (invite towards what is endorsed by Allah), but also to nahi mungkar (repel anything that is disavowed by Allah). To uphold Islam, we cannot separate from taking into account history, anthropology, law and constitution, geography, economy, sociology, understanding ideologies that are against Islam and their modus operandi, and all other fields. If you may not have known, ISMA has placed all-out effort using our internal resources, as well as engaging external subject matter experts to table out the formula to revive the Muslim ummah (especially the Malays) in Malaysia. Should you have any doubt, we would like to offer a chit-chat session or even dialog to address any concerns and issues that exist on your side.

Yours sincerely,

Norhidayah Binti Ismail
ISMA’s Activist

dr har 2

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17 komen

  1. Assalamualaikum wbt.saya setuju dengan pendapat di atas. Pemahaman dengan konteks dan suasana perlu diambil kira..jangan mudah menghukum lebih2 lagi oleh seorang personaliti yang dipandang tinggi masyarakat. Kata2 yang dilemparkan boleh menjadi fitnah di kemudian hari.

  2. well, what i see is dr har is promoting unity, where else norhidayah is promoting division…’s a free world, anybody may have his/her say

  3. salam aleik

    I hope the writer shud then include this discalimer “Bumi ini” merujuk kepada tanah melayu sahaja, excluding sabah sarawak. u talk about history… historically sabah n sarawak are NOT owned by malays, far from by muslim.

    i understand ur argument that in the perlembagaan malays=muslim. but dear writer, not EVERY malaysian knows of the constitution by heart. such slogan can be VERY misleading to the non muslim

    sedangkan Rasulullah berdakwah sesuai dgn audiennye. badwi yg kencing dalam masjid bukan dicerca dipukul, wanita yahudi yg buta mencerca nabi saban hari bahkan disuap Rasulullah saban hari. fikir lah dgn teliti, audien kita sgt diverse… pelbagai agama dan pelbagai bangsa… can’t u see how this SLOGAN can effect the dakwah on the non muslim?

    putting aside ur explanation. do you REALLY think those non-muslim who find that islam is hostile (from looking at ur slogan) will take their time to google up ur explanation in this article? no they WONT. and that’s it…the damage is done.

    Congrats. 🙂

  4. Bila sudah hidup mewah, ludah Melayu yang lain. Ini lah fenomena atau akhlak liberal kapitalis dakam acuan moderat sekular ( faham maksud nya sebab kemarahan ini ). Moderat Islam akan memegang prinsip Nabi Muhammad SAW itu keturunan Arab. Jika baginda keturunan yahud, nasara, fikirkan bencana nya ! Allah SWT itu Maha Mengetahui…

    Bumi memang milik Allah SWT. Setiap bahagian bumi di anugerah peneroka dan penduduk asal. Maka kita kenali bumi ambiya di bahagian negara Arab di mana sejarah bermula. Bumi Eropah dan Inggeris. Bumi China. Bumi India dan Bumi Melayu (Nusantara).

    Bagaimana ? Kerana Allah SWT itu memelihara sejarah setiap dengan tamaddun dan budaya warisan terdahulu supaya kita pasrah dan menghargai, di atas keimanan, Wujud nya Subhanawataala. Maka di nyatakan – manusia itu di ciptakan bersuku-suku, berbangsa-bangsa agar mereka mengenali satu sama lain. Juga di peringatkan – jika mereka menzalimi diri sendiri maka kelak akan di gantikan dengan satu bangsa yang lain !

    Berhati-hati lah wahai Dr. Harlina ! Dr. Bukan bererti anda berhak memusnahkan bangsa dan negara yang sudah di jaga ratusan tahun, di mana anda di lahirkan, merasa nikmat nya yang tidak terhingga sehingga kini, di atas rahmat Wujud Nya Tuhan Yang Maha Esa ! Apa terjadi jika anda tercampak dan di lahirkan di bumi Palestin ?

    Sayangi Bumi (Tanah Melayu) ini. Hadiah besar untuk warisan anak-anak, cucit cicit kita. Ini lah semangat yang mesti di PANTAK( bukan di pantatkan – B. Indon ) untuk mereka mengenali ke ‘bangsa’ an (kebangsaan) mereka. Jika di hilangkan Melayu, hanya di sebut Islam, spesis dari mana kelak bangsa cina akan panggil kita(Melayu) ? Bukan kah menjadi mudah agenda tuntutan yang bukan hak nya ?

    Bangsa Indonesia itu Melayu. Mereka nafikan ? Kenapa apabila bernyanyi, senikata lagu-lagu nya kita fahami ? Ia tidak lain, itu lah asal nya, Bahasa Melayu Bangsa Melayu !!!. Bahasa daerah nya tidak di fahami umpama nya juga dialek negeri-negeri kita di sini !

    Dr.Harlina, anda seorang ‘murtad’ Melayu. Gunting dalam lipatan.

  5. A very good explanation indeed. Of course everything belongs to Allah Swt. But Allah has given us things that we have. While we are alive, we become ‘owners’ of those things. Thats when we have the rights over them. And take care of them as guided by Islam…

  6. How about chinese and indian muslims? All the sabahan and sarawakian muslims? they are all u mean that they don’t deserve in this ‘bumi’ ? I got one of my friend who are melanau, and he feel so ‘di anak tiri kan’ with this statement. I hope you can help me clear this confusion.jzkk

  7. This photo can only be understood with no prejudice, after reading your article.

    But 1st impression, the message is quiet negative.

    Try putting yourself in a non-malay shoe whom is interested in Islam.

    Enough of this segregation, even within the muslim group.

  8. Salam. I suppose whatever the initial intention is, I don’t think our rakyat are matured enough hence ready to take these in. I am on neither side. Just saying that we’re currently living in mixed culture whose history is rich and diverse. Managing this expect is a part we need to carefully consider anytime we decide to make public any of the stated slogans/intentions.

    The damage can be quite disruptive if we don’t carefully choose our audience and channel of communication properly. What more depending on FB where the audience are unpredictable. Equally vital is that we get our historical and political fact correct no matter how strong our affinity is to upholding verses from the Holy Quran is, whose fact we do not dispute.

    The case is delicate here as we are in a multiculture, multiracial , multi religion country. Diversity is synonymous to Malaysia and we do have to respectively accept that.

    I remember listening to one of Nouman Ali Khan’s lecture where he mentioned that he do not want to read a sunnah jsut because he thought the community wasn’t matured enough to take it in, and that he’s afraid some people will use that particular sunnah merely as a tool to defend one’s opinion/view/decision.

    Again, just my 2 cents.


  9. Mashaallah this is a good write up because it provides nusus or proofs in terms of quoting from highly acclaimed scholars and relevant contemporary examples. Readers must look upon it as an intellectual reply without prejudice, a non-invasive explanatory effort to enlighten Dr H on her misplaced comment. It is so important for publicly known well-respected people to consider their comments carefully and contextually before airing them for public consumption. We must develop a more intelligent and informed ummah and avoid emotional and defensive attitudes. Allahu akbar!

  10. 57 years, and you my lady, might have been delivered by the hands of an indian dr, taught by some chinese teachers, and heck half of the things you are might be due to others, and you DARE to call them descendants of immigrants and not fellow malaysian!

    The social contract also said that from that point WE are malaysian. Someone whom doesn’t even has the nationality to accept others as fellow citizens like you should also be labelled as ‘colonial activist’.

    Initially believed it was a good written article, and ended by realising its just ‘a pot calling a kettle black’.

    Tolerance goes both ways. If you take time to read and emulate you Prophet’s action, you would realise how his acts inspires and creates universal values and yours merely demeans whatever Islamic values you claim you are fighting for.

  11. bagaimana dengan kami yang merupakan orang asal tinggal disini.? kami bukan melayu

  12. I refuse to agree. But I love the article is written in English. Not many Malays are able to respond in the language. Just look at the comments. So kampong.

  13. Agaknya, kalau Malaysia diserang, orang Cina dan India duduk bersama tak pertahankan negara?

    Kalau jawapannya ya, kenapa perlu dibezakan penduduk Malaysia berbangsa Melayu dan mereka yang bukan Melayu?

    Kita semua sama membangun negara, kita sama mempertahankan negara, tapi bumi ini hanya milik Melayu.

    Saya tidak ada masalah dengan kontrak sosial selagi mana matlamatnya tidak lari dari membantu golongan yang memerlukan dan memang betul ramai yg memerlukan itu dari bangsa Melayu.

    Tetapi tidak adil kalau Malaysia hanya diiktiraf sebagai bumi satu2 bangsa/agama apabila RAKYATnya berbilang bangsa.

    Kalau apa yg disebutkan diatas ini terpesong daripada maksud sebenar ISMA, tapi itulah yang kami faham sebagai orang biasa dari slogan “bumi ini bumi melayu islam”

  14. Bumi ini, segala yg di langit dan di bumi termasuk manusia adalah milik Allah. Kita dikluster2 & dengan kaum & negara utg bertanggungjawab menjaganya. Kita diminta berfikir & melaksana, bukan setakat cakap2 saja.

  15. Apakah mesej spesifik yg cuba disampaikan oleh Dr Harlina bila beliau menyatakan “Bumi ini milik Allah swt”?

    Betul dan memang benar bagi mereka yang beriman untuk mengakui bumi ini bahkan Seluruh Semesta Alam adalah milik Allah swt.
    Segala-gala yg terkandung didalamnya yg bersangkut-kait dengan manusia juga adalah milik, kejadian dan pemberian Allah swt, termasuk negara, hartabenda, suami, isteri, anak-anak dan keturunan sebelum dan berikutnya.
    Tapi kalau kita berfikir sedemikian (secara dasar), sebodoh-bodoh cara berfikir, dimanakah pertanggungjawaban terhadap sesuatu pemberian dari milik Allah swt itu?
    Tidakkah kita terfikir mengapa diakhirat nanti kita akan dipertanggungjawabkan terhadap apa yg telah Allah swt ‘pinjam’kan kepada kita?

    Dipendekkan cerita:
    Bagi gabungan Malaysia yg mengandungi Semenanjung Tanah Melayu, Sabah dan Sarawak, adakah salah kalau orang Melayu/Islam di Semenanjung mengatakan “Bumi Ini Bumi Melayu Islam”? (iaitu tanpa melibatkan Sabah dan Sarawak).
    Kita fikir dan pandang secara menyeluruh pula –
    Mengapa Allah swt tidak menjadikan Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ini dihuni dari asalnya oleh bangsa atau keturunan lain yang telah diciptakanNya?
    Kenapa bangsa Cina di negera China, bangsa India dinegara India, bangsa Thai/Siam dinegara Thailand dan sebagainya? Bolehkah atau diterimakah kalau kita pergi kenegara China umpamanya dan kita katakan “Bumi ini milik Tuhan Semesta Alam” dan orang Melayu/Islam dari Malaysia berhak untuk menjadikan Negara China sebagai negara mereka juga dan Islam sebagai agama rasmi?

    Sebagai seorang yg telah berstatus Dr. saya rasa komen beliau adalah terlalu menyeluruh tanpa memberikan perincian yang sewajarnya.

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