
Rafizi’s malicious action to mislead the public

rafizi tabung hajiI have just read Rafizi’s nonsense statement against Tabung Haji. In that statement he complains about Tabung Haji taking a criminal and not civil action.

Goodness. No one in the world can complain on how another take an action. A thief cannot complain that a house owner is wrong for bringing a criminal action rather than civil action. Mana ada orang buat cam tu? Suka hati house owner lah. Rafizi would be laughed at if he brings up such argument overseas. It’s that ridiculous. And since when criminal action is easier to prove than a civil action che Oi! In criminal proceedings one has to prove beyond reasonable doubt. In civil cases it’s much lower standard. Rafizi needs to disprove by showing reasonable doubt aje in criminal cases. Apalah dia cakap ni. Tak kan susah sangat nak create reasonable doubt kan unless of course you’re clearly in the wrong.

Rafizi is definitely lying by claiming that TH has issued a corporate guarantee. When he accused Tabung Haji last Thursday he claimed Tabung Haji had issued a CG thus “Langgar Akta TH”. This became the biggest headline on his infogram to show how deceitful TH is. Then later to support his argument he showed a letter from the government approving the same to show there’s a guarantee. Now he is saying TH has aborted the deal. Kurang ajar Rafizi ni dalam menipu fitnah. Kalau there’s no guarantee how can he claim dengan besar-besar TH langgar Akta TH. Penipu besar Rafizi. Bila tak boleh jawab reka fitnah. At all material times when Rafizi made the statement, no guarantee was given and no breach of the Act could ever be claimed.

This is the problem I have with Rafizi and whistleblowing effort. They misrepresent the story and truth. They only tell half of the story which falsely create an unfair misrepresentation of facts. As a result it creates extreme prejudices which affect innocent people like some of our makcik/ pakcik who withdrew from TH.

You see TH has many investments. Some suffer losses and many make gains. If all investments make profits and tak pernah rugi kaya rayalah pendeposit TH. Tetapi we all know TH makes decent return and not superlative return like 30%. Everyone knows that there’s hit and misses.

But Rafizi is on a drive to highlight only investments suffering losses aje. He doesn’t care every year TH will consider its losses and profits in investments and if overall ada profit they declare distributable dividends to us. He doesn’t care that TH’s shares in the stock market is already marked to market meaning that the value of investment of TH in THHE has considered the latest share price. He doesn’t care what’s the overall impact to TH.

It is different for example if Rafizi shows there’s a fraudulent transaction to cheat us. What he is highlighting is the trouble of THHE which is already known publicly. See for example (Please note however nothing herein is validating Rafizi’s numbers but to show that in the public domain THHE fledging status is not a secret). THHE is in the oil and gas business for god sake and we all know all the companies in this line without exception are suffering losses or shrinking profits. I’m not saying depositors should be happy with the investment but we can understand that this business is tough now. Actually many other investments are facing tough times. Oil palm which is one of the key earners for TH is also expected again to face tough challenging year as the commodity price has come down a fair bit. But these are ordinary vagaries in business and development. Not fraudulent transactions.

It is this focus on investment which suffer losses and not on which incur gains nor on the fraudulent transactions, which clearly shows a malicious action and intent on rafizi’s part to mislead the public. Compounded with the lie and fraudulent cover up, this is where Rafizi is utterly deplorable. And for this may he be damned.

Lukman Sheriff

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official views of, and should not be attributed to, Isma or Ismaweb.

  1. Dgn cubaan guna undang2 jenayah cuba sekat saya semak prestasinya, saya akan terus bawa isu2 yg perlu dijawab bg pihak rakyat

  2. Sepatutnya saman sivil kalau kenyataan saya salah, bukan laporan polis jenayah & guna peruntukan undang2 jenayah. Saya jwb esok

  3. Sekarang trend baru, lawan kami tidak saman sivil kerana selalu kalah. Mereka buat laporan polis kerana siasatan jenayah. Lbh mudah disabit

  4. Saya dimaklumkan buat laporan polis (makna siasatan jenayah) terhadap saya kerana komen saya mengenai pelaburan dlm THHE

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  1. inilah kali pertama saya baca ‘criminal action is easier to prove than a civil action’. biar betul rafizi.

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