
In Liberal Overdoses


People say, too much of a thing would make it bad and it rings true when it comes to taking your food or medication. If you eat too much, you’ll get fat and soon you may contract multiple diseases as well. And if you take your medications beyond what was prescripted to you then you’ll be overdosed and might die of complications that might arose later on. That’s what happened to Kurt Cobain and Heath Ledger. They both overdid their drug intakes and bid their lives goodbye, leaving behind their loved ones.

The same could be said about being liberal. It’s like consuming dopamine or asenapine, assuming that they will be liberating their own minds and at the same time bringing in tranquility but instead, in reality trapping them in a everlasting trance of a so called right to freedom of speech and thought process. What would happen if these people consume more than what they and their fragile minds could withstand? They became deranged, disturbed and sometimes irrational beyond comprehension. All this, for the sake of “liberating minds and enriching souls”.

What about their poor souls, being tortured into insanity, demented and frenzied from day to day of overdosing themselves with liberalism. They became disenchanted with reality to the point of calling themselves the champions of moderateness, especially regarding being Muslims. We can’t blame them for they have strayed far too long into the oblivion. Oh, may Allah SWT bless these poor tormented souls.

One of their most prominent members is a female professional in the field of law, who may become crazed due to being overdose in liberalism for a long period of time. She’s very into ISMA, especially its Women’s Wing (Wanita ISMA) and would not stop at nothing to have a banter at us. She’s an avid follower and fan of Wanita ISMA as she keeps sharing posts after posts, making clear points of how she’s a loyal advocate for feminism and that women should not be homemakers. Well, its fine and dandy if you keep your opinions to yourself. However, we are talking about the champions of free speech here, so there’ll never be opinions left unsaid!

In one of the articles written by our respected member of Wanita ISMA, regarding how majority of the workforce are working mothers and in fact are working in some of the most challenging work environment, such as on an offshore platform. However this female anti-women-should-be-allowed-a-little-flexibility-at-work-to-be-homemakers made a ridiculous accusation saying that men working in oil and gas line are horny bunch and professional women should not be allowed to work in oil and gas industry, for they should be afraid of “horny men at seas”.

How is this not being sexist and discriminative? Accusing men being horny while at work is downright sexist. I wonder if she could look her father in the eyes and repeat the exact words that she typed, that men are simply horny creatures. But then again, maybe she doesn’t have any prominent male figures in her life that could provide her with exemplary male role model. Later on she then removed her comments from the article’s post, cowering in fear that her speech does not make any sense, even in the slightest. These are the tell tale signs of people suffering from liberal overdose. They just blabber anything they want, just because they have something to say, even though what they are saying is insignificant and hollow.

Besides, there are also young people like her, female mostly who are so jumpy and edgy that the sight of anything that might taint the “holy” nature of feminist movement will send them into a state of chaos. Their search of gender equality have led them blind, blind to the fact that they themselves were doing the very thing that they are trying to prevent. For example, they believe that men should not be able to speak matters regarding women and only women should speak about womanly matters but they are allowed to speak on matters pertaining to men in the name of equality. This happened to a friend of mine, who were bashed for being a panelist in a gender empowerment talk. How ironic.

And recently a group of young female writers have published a book about debunking feminist movement and proving that Islam have long been the champion for female movement since the time of Prophet SAW. Just look at Sumayyah, the first one to syahid (deceased in the path of Allah swt) and Khadijah ra, the first one to ever believe in Prophet Muhammad SAW and never to question him. Nonetheless, these young feminists, instead of reading the whole book titled Wanita Songsang (Inverse Women), they chose to cherry pick the ones that they seemed to be discontented with. As an example, they are arguing that the book and the authors suggested that women would be 100% at fault if they were to be raped.

If these young feminists read the whole book thoroughly like reading the scriptures of Quran, then they would have understood that Islam does not in the slightest sense put the blame on women whenever a mishap such as rape happens. That is why takzir is allowed, so that to punish those who have wronged the weak. If only they redirect their energy into more useful purposes such as empowering female muslims, instead of trying to find fault in others. Well, that’s liberal overdose for you. They became so overdosed with it that they felt a sense of self righteous in their hearts and the urge to correct others, overlooking their own mishaps. No longer freedom of speech for everybody. It has become a thing of exclusivity for those shouting liberalism at the end of their throats. I feel nothing but empathy towards them.

Despite all of this, I would like to congratulate Wanita ISMA (ISMA Women’s Wing) for being poise under all that tension and all the thumping from the “righteous” world of Feminism. My wife is a proud member of Wanita ISMA and she and her team have done wonderful job trying to educate the masses regarding the status of women in Islam and at the same time exposing the misconstrued nature of feminists movement. Men and women both play a crucial part, and one without the other shall spell doom for our future. Quoting Earnest Hemingway, courage is grace under pressure, and the women of ISMA, is nothing short of courage layered with determination.

Keep moving on my dear sisters. May Allah swt be with us all.

Akmal Ghani
Aktivis Gabungan Peguam-Peguam Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (i-Peguam)

Penafian: Kenyataan berita atau artikel ini adalah pandangan peribadi penulis dan tidak mewakili pendirian rasmi Media Isma Sdn Bhd atau Portal Islam dan Melayu
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