
Answering Mariam Mokhtar’s article: “Tudung: Fashion, obligation or farce?”


I’m writing this responding to the article by Mariam Mokhtar titled “Tudung: Fashion, obligation or farce?”, published in The Heat Malaysia. (…/Tudung-Fashion-obligation-…)

In her article, she claimed that tudung is not part of Malay culture. Furthermore, she said that is originated in the middle-east, Saudi’s dress code.

I produced few of her quotes, full of hatred towards Islamic dress code, for reference:

“The tudung or hijab is not part of Malay culture. The white jubah, which is becoming more common among Malay men, is not Malay, either. The sanctimonious men may only be happy when all women wear a purdah and do not leave their homes. These men will be sorry when their four wives are unable to work and generate an income for the men.” 

“Islam may have originated in the middle-east, but it does not mean that Muslims are compelled to adopt Arab garb. We have our own culture and are proud of it. We do not need to ape the Saudis’ dress code and customs, nor their treatment of women and people who are not Arab.” 

“Is the tudung forced onto Malay women? Our grandmothers wore the selendang and they were no less religious than the tudung-wearing grannies of today.”

After condemning the tudung dress code, Mariam presented her proof, without naming the person such as “One woman said”, “One said”, “Another woman who lives in front of a park”.

“One woman said, “A stranger asked why I did not wear a tudung, and asked if I prayed. Another wondered if I believed in God.

I do not judge those who wear the tudung, but I find that the more conservative Muslims are the most judgemental of all.”

Is tudung wearing a farce? Some Malay tudung-wearing women, abandon the headscarf when they holiday outside Malaysia.

One said, “I feel liberated. I am reminded of my youth, with the wind blowing through my hair. When overseas, I do not wear a tudung, but there is no compromise in my faith. I pray and observe what Islam expects of me.

I wear the tudung in Malaysia, because society expects me to wear one. I know this is wrong.” The moment she entered Terminal 4 at Heathrow, for her return flight to Kuala Lumpur, her tudung was firmly planted on her head.

Another woman who lives in front of a park, in Malacca said, “Some Malays consider the tudung a measure of a girl’s modesty, but I would like to put them right and invite them to observe what the tudung girls and their boyfriends do, in the park.”

She even went further by irresponsibly claimed that “throughout Malaysia, more toddlers, some as young as two, are forced to wear tudungs and told not to play with boys of their age.”

Well, I had a daughter too and I never force my daughter as what you said! Maybe there are few cases, but certainly Mariam cannot simply generalizing it “throughout malaysia”. What nonsense is this?

She ended her article by questioning the rational of wearing tudung:

“So is the tudung forced onto some Malay women, to control their behaviour? Is tudung wearing a farce? Or is it a means to make easy money?”

None of her article is sincere on finding the answer of her question.

She instead choose to played propaganda style of article by quoting ‘anonymous’ source such as “one woman said”, “one said”, and “another woman who lives in front of a park”.

Yesterday, I asked my facebook followers, to provide some answer of her question.

These are real people, not anonymous, unnamed source as in Mariam’s article. They are female wearing tudung, and none of their reason wearing tudung as as what Mariam claim.

Nur Fateha Asmuni : Tuntutan agama dan saya nak ikut. Tak susah pun. Mana yang mampu, no harm pun buat.

Siti Khadijah : Allah perintahkan lelaki dan perempuan untuk menutup aurat. Jadi, saya memakai tudung kerana ianya satu kewajipan. Jangan memperkata perintahNya.

Hazlyn Ismail : Pakai tudung sejak skolah rendah kerana cikgu suruh. Cikgu juga ajar tentang kewajiban menutup aurat. Lama-lama pakai tudung sudah jadi kebiasaan dalam kehidupan. Sama seperti solat. Kalau tinggal tudung atau solat jiwa jadi tak tenang dan rasa bersalah. Itulah alasan akak pakai tudung.

Nurul Ashikin : Aku tak minat pakai tudung. Tak selesa, rimas, panas tapi aku pakai je atas alasan aurat.

Anis Shabirin : Sebab tuntutan agama. Tapi tak pun memaksa anak-anak pakai. Mereka sendiri nak. Anak 10 tahun, 3 bulan lepas mintak belikan tudung. Kak pun terkejut. Katanya segan dia nak jawab dengan Allah nanti.

Nurul Hassan : Sebab saya tak berkawan dengan Munkar Nakir .. Saya takut tak dapat menjawab nanti.

Nur Syuhada : Tuntutan agama untuk tutup aurat jadi tudung la yang sesuai takkan nak pakai baldi keras.

Anis Zakiah : Masa zaman dulu-dulu sebab terpaksa. Sekarang dah jadi terbiasa dan suka.

Zakiah Arifin : Memenuhi tuntutan agama- menutup rambut(aurat)

Nurhaiza Shahrir : As a respect to my husband.

Suzie AL Yatimi : Sebab tuntutan agama Islam suruh wanita menutup aurat.

En Che Qie : Hanya memenuhi tuntutan agama.. Terpulang pada setiap individu nak pkai tudung camne janji tutup aurat…kau taknk pkai tudung pun lantak ..Takyah jaki sangat dengan orang yang bertudung.

Hajar Yusoff : Saya cuma menutup aurat menggunakan tudung. Nak pakai baldi susah sebab baldi keras. Tudung senang sikit sebab diperbuat daripada kain. Kalau nak tutup aurat pakai bende lain dipersilakan janji tutup aurat. Tak semestinya memakai baju atau tudung. Pakai papan pun boleh. Janji tutup aurat. BTW ada je yg pakai tudung still tak tutup aurat seperti yang diperintahkan.

Perhaps the last comment by Nurul Adni is one of the best:

“Because I want to please Allah, the only one worth pleasing. Dulu-dulu keluar rumah dressing ikut perkembangan semasa thinking “Would he like this?”. Sekarang keluar rumah sambil berfikir “would He like this?”.

I’ve said it time and again, pakai tudung is super liberating! Rasa bebas, saves time (sebab tak perlu 2 jam setting rambut sebelum pergi dinner).

You can be fashionable yet modest, people started talking to me and less of my chest, tak payah penat-penat nak cover line lemak tersembunyi/awkward lines sebab dah tak pakai baju skimpy. in Malaysia, senang nak ke mana-mana..

Takdala sibuk nak cari selendang bila nak pergi masjid/kenduri/doa selamat etc.. Rambut lebih sihat sbb dilindungi dari matahari, benefits are endless! hahahaha.. I did it out of free will and enjoying every minute of it. 

Perasaan mencintai Tuhan kalau dihayati boleh bagi ketenangan yang tak terkata. Mariam should really try it! 
One more thing, kalau dia kata tak pakai tudung pun boleh please Allah, kenapa bila kita pergi jumpa Dia kena bertutup?  ie: solat, jenazah. 

Memang Allah Maha Mengasihi Maha Penyayang. Kita tak pakai apa-apa pun dia tetap sayang.. Tapi takkan la kita takleh tunjukkan hormat kita pada Dia dengan pakai pakaian terbaik untuk dia. Pakaian terbaik adalah pakaian yang dipakai masa buat the ultimate ibadat. Solat.

Kenapa bila solat, jumpa tuhan, kita boleh bertudung? Supaya fokus tetap pada yang satu. Takda masa nak fikir nampak butt crack tak? Nampak cleavage tak? Tutup terus, setel. Senang. Boleh fokus pada ibadah. He knows women are super conscious of how we look. Really saves us the trouble so that we can focus on what really matters. 

Tak suka sangat bertudung, kalau berani, request la tak nak dikafankan. amacam? huhu..

Islam cukup cantik. Dia protect kita even bila kita tak sedar we need protection. Betapa ianya menyayangi wanita.

It’s sad that women can’t learn to love themselves as much as Allah loves them.

Tak nak sangat bertudung, terserahlah, pilihan awak… tapi jangan la kondem pilihan orang lain pulak.”

If one woman chose to wear tudung, that is her choice. Regardless if Mariam thinks its not a malay culture, or because she thinks that its is arabic dress code, or simply because she doesn’t like it, she has to respect that choice.

Aren’t you the one who so called liberal that is pro freedom? What freedom are you talking if you did not respect others choice to dress? Don’t be such a hypocrite. Respect each other, is that too difficult to you?

cc Mariam Mokhtar Admrl-Gen

Muhamad Harris Nasri

Original source : )

Penafian: Kenyataan berita atau artikel ini adalah pandangan peribadi penulis dan tidak mewakili pendirian rasmi Media Isma Sdn Bhd atau Portal Islam dan Melayu
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